About Spiritual Life Network

Made in His Image: Alex Kirk

World-made, self-made, or  God made? It is a trick question, because the first two are one and the same. When I choose to be self-made, it means I am appropriating the things of this world that fit my desires, my needs. When I choose the be made by God, walking with his son, breathing his spirit, I become a new creation that is much more than the sum of its parts, because my reference point is no longer my self but God, whose all-knowing love enables me to be the person he wants for my wife, for my children, for my workmates, for the strangers I pass on the highway, and the people and events his spirit beckons me to intercede for in  prayer.

In the fall of 2010, Alex Kirk spoke about these things at the Chapel Hill Bible Church. It was a time of remembering and recognizing our self-made competence is utterly useless in serving God, but our willingness to be broken and submit to him, establishing our reliance on him, is what makes his kingdom come.
