About Spiritual Life Network

The Hope of Christ

thumb_Grace_Pettis-Let_a_Little_LightA Grace Pettis song

that captures the hope

that is in a relationship with Christ,

and speaks to how the Holy Spirit can take our soul’s light

and shine into the lives of others.


A blessing to remind us of the power of God in our lives, and his provision for us—now, tomorrow, and eternally.
when you don’t know where you are, because you’re blind in the dark
and you’re feeling that fear and that doubt
when your candle burns dim, keep your hand against the wind.
You can light it again if it goes out

Let a little light, let a little light shine
Let a little light, let a little light shine, child,
Let a little light shine in this world.

When it comes apart at the seams, and the hurt is so deep
There are many things a pair of hands can do.
You can fold them in prayer, make fists in the air,
Or just hold the hand next to you.

You can let a little light, let a little light shine
Let a little light, let a little light shine
Let a little light, let a little light shine, child.
Let a little light shine in this world.

You can spend all your days, being a party that fear, drown the world in your tears,
Or you can go down in a blaze, light up the dark, with your burning sacred heart.

Let a little light, let a little light shine
Let a little light, let a little light shine
Let a little light, let a little light shine, child,
Let a little light shine in this world.