Church as the Body of Christ
If you are a member of the true church of Christ, then you are a member of the company that will make up the true bride of Christ. As a local church, we are a miniature of the bride of Chrfist.
A second description of the church is the body of Christ. Jesus Christ is the head, and as the head of His church He directs it. My hands move because my head tells them to. My head directs my body. The head of a local church is not the pastor, but Jesus Christ the Lord. He is the head of the universal church of which the local church is a part. A local church is not all the body of Christ, but in miniature it is the body of Christ.
There is one body and one Spirit--just as you were called to one hope when you were called--one Lord, one faith, one baptism. Ephesians 4:4-5
Church as the body of Christ is a uniquely Pauline image. Christ is the head. Believers are body members with special body functions. As members of the same body we are interrelated and interdependent. No one of us can exist as a loner cut off from other
Lord, thank You for the many other body members through whom You have ministered to me. And thank You for the privilege of being part of Your body through whom You minister to others.