This book on practical teaching about the Holy Spirit, is by J.I. Packer, the author of the modern classic, Knowing God. The title comes from the phrase in Galatians 5:25, meaning walking in a line, holding to a rule, thus proceeding under Another’s control. What does it mean to ‘be filled by’ or ‘live in’ or ‘walk in the Spirit’? Spanning various traditions, Reformed, Wesleyan, Keswick, and Charismatic, Packer parses each to find it’s strength and weakness, then blends an understanding of a credible walking in Christ.
An example on p 199 tells “I suggest that, in reality, charismatic and non-charismatic spiritualities differ more in vocabulary, self-image, groups associated with, and books and journals read, than in the actual ingredients of their communion with the Father and the Son through the Spirit. Charismatic experience is less distinctive than is sometimes made out.” The reader will find other nuggets of broad understanding of the Spirit of God.